Kokoda Youth Foundation
Over the last 17 years, the Kokoda Youth Foundation has proudly supported more than 621 teenagers through our locally run youth programs, thanks to the support of caring Australians, just like you. Your donations directly support local young people learning about indigenous culture, partnering with local community organisations, building resilience and confidence and changing their outlooks through once in a lifetime peak experiences.
We continue to manage the funds entrusted to us effectively and efficiently, by developing new youth programs and creating more opportunities for kids through school education.
Regular and transparent reporting on our activities, operations and performance demonstrates our accountability to our funders, donors, community members, young people and their families.
We remain grateful for the significant volunteer contributions which impacts not only the efficiency of our operations, but also adds tremendous value to the Kokoda community.
The Kokoda Youth Foundation is a locally operated charity that has proudly supported Australian young people and their local communities for 20 years. Our experiential youth programs help young people gain physical and mental resilience, confidence, and instill in them Courage, Endurance, Mateship and Sacrifice through the story of the Kokoda Campaign in 1942. These programs are run solely from donations from generous Australians, just like you.
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